April 22 2022
Earth Day 2022: Brands Making a Difference in Our Communities

Each year on April 22, billions of people worldwide celebrate Earth Day. Gathering to participate in cleanups, awareness, and forward-looking conversations, people everywhere come together to fight for a similar cause in hopes of creating a more sustainable standard of living throughout the world. As the climate crisis grows in urgency, the war against pollution wages on. It has become clear that in order to create the change that is so desperately needed, it must be taken into the hands of society and business to set the precedent for sustainable practices.  

To lend aid in this fight, Elastic Suite has made the pledge to take a stand against the climate crisis by enabling brands to increase sustainability through eco-friendly technology that aids in day-to-day operations. By eliminating printed B2B catalogs, and sales and marketing materials, brands and manufacturers that join Elastic are empowered to take steps towards more sustainable practices within their own business. Taking this first step towards sustainability not only cuts down levels of waste, but also creates a positive impact on CO2 emissions, forest conservation, energy consumption, and more! While all brands on Elastic are a part of the fight for a cleaner Earth, we wanted to highlight a few brands that take this fight a step further. Here’s what they’re doing to make an impact:  


Feral Mountain Co’s Gear Repair  

This Denver outdoor gear shop takes the 3 R’s of reduce, reuse, and recycle to a whole new level. Feral’s gear repair program is a testament to sustainability by aiding in waste reduction through renewing and recycling used gear so it can continue to serve customers for years to come. This community of close-knit outdoors people is truly dedicated to providing an eco-friendly and modern way of reconstructing product lifecycle and the impact it makes on the environment.  


Patagonia Worn Wear 

Another brand fully dedicated to reconstructing the product lifecycle and sustainable clothing industry is Patagonia. Through Patagonia’s Worn Wear clothes recycling program, they are able to continue the story that lives within each article of clothing. Rather than throwing away old lines, they encourage sustainability through clothing trade-in for store credit in return. This mindset of recycling clothing battles fast fashion and overconsumption by getting more use out of the stuff Patagonia fans already own. When consumers buy used, they have the ability to extend a product’s lifecycle by 2 years, which drastically reduces waste and reliance on resources to create the articles of clothing. As a primary leader in the outdoor industry, Patagonia sets a profound example of sustainable clothing practices at their finest.  


Houdini’s Rental Program 

Striving to eliminate the garments that sit unused in their customer’s wardrobes, Houdini Sportswear rental program is aimed toward sustainable practices and waste reduction. Allowing garments to get more wear than usual and replacing the need to buy new clothing for single outings, their rental program is actively striving to reinvent the way consumers buy and regenerate gear. In the battle against overconsumption, Houdini gives its customers the gear they need without extra wasted materials.  


Jetty Life 

Taking the East Coast surf and skatewear industry to a new level of sustainability, Jetty has made measureless impacts on the environment and communities that have been affected by natural disasters. Looking to enhance their community at every turn, one of the largest impacts they make is through the materials used to make their clothing. By combining recycled oyster shells and recycled plastics they are able to craft a variety of sustainable clothing lines that are both high quality and 100% sustainable. Created from the coast for the coast Jetty’s mission has resonated throughout communities across the world. Giving back to their community every step of the way, Jetty is a brand that has made a massive impact on our environment and the way we see sustainability as a whole.  



Coastal Edge 

Virginia Beach specialty retailer, Coastal Edge, has taken the opportunity this April to drive sustainability awareness through pop-up markets and other clean-up events. Each event offers communities in Virginia Beach a way to get involved in various activities such as clean-ups, recycling opportunities, and markets with sustainable vendors. Geared towards giving back to the community, Coastal Edge’s Earth Day efforts are ones that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and teach practices that the community can carry on in their daily lives for years to come. See how you can get involved at Coastal Edge



Looking to join your community in sustainable practices?  

Check out SIMA’s Environmental Fund  and SIA’s Climate United Pact  to learn more about how you can get involved!  

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