Resources for Elastic Retailers & Buyers
Resources for Elastic Retailers & Buyers
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Take advantage of Elastic’s favorite feature! Watch the training to learn how you can use the whiteboard to plan for future and available inventory in your store today.
Take advantage of Elastic’s favorite feature! Watch the training to learn how you can use the whiteboard to plan for future and available inventory in your store today.

Support Site
Discover a wealth of knowledge articles for both reps & dealers. With helpful guides and in-depth tutorials, our support site is the destination for all your needs.

Contact Support
Can’t find what you need in the FAQ or support site? Reach out to our support team and we’ll help you find the information you need to feel empowered to THRIVE.
Platform FAQs
How do I place an order?
Use Standard Order Mode or Quick Order Mode to find your items and build an order. Follow the prompts for the Multivew Cart to place your order.
How do I change my password?
On the login screen, click “Forgot my Password.” You’ll receive an email to change your password, if you can’t remember your login email or want to change it, contact support.
How do I share a whiteboard?
After you’ve built a whiteboard you can share it with your dealer by either Exporting as a PDF and downloading from Print Jobs or you can share directly from the Whiteboard Menu.
How do I add notes to my favorite products?
Within the digital catalog, you can add stars or notes to individual products. Later on, you can sort by ratings so you can shop your most loved products!
Are you an Elastic superfan? Want some extra cash for spreading the love? Join our referral program!
Introduce a brand principle to Elastic and we’ll send you a gift card!
Are you an Elastic superfan? Want some extra cash for spreading the love? Join our referral program!
Introduce a brand principle to Elastic and we’ll send you a gift card!